Places to go in Japan

Great! Otsuka Art Museum.

Do you know the Otsuka Museum of Art in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture?
It is a wonderful museum where many famous Western paintings are exhibited.
Opened by the Otsuka Pharmaceutical Group. This painting is a reproduction of a famous painting on a ceramic board.
Although it is a reproduction, it is not inferior to the actual painting, and I was very impressed when I saw it.
By the way, the museum is spacious and you can enjoy more than 1000 paintings.
If you take your time and watch it slowly, it will take a whole day.

The inside of the building is from B3 to 2F.
B3 is the Sistine Hall, the chapel space.
Before, it became famous in the hall where Kenshi Yonezu sang in the Kouhaku Uta Gassen!?
B2 exhibits Monet’s Water Lilies, Renaissance, Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper.


I couldn’t see the real Last Supper (in Italy), so I was very excited to be able to see it this time!
The picture above is a box of sweets Gaufre. I love this box that I bought as a gift.
B1 exhibits famous paintings such as Van Gogh’s Sunflower, Munch’s Scream, and Millet’s gleaning.

The 1st and 2nd floors are contemporary, such as Picasso’s famous Guernica.

There are many other paintings on display, too many to list.
I was overwhelmed by the eyesight of the girl with the pearl earring and stared at it.

Since it is a copy, you can touch it lightly and take pictures.
What a luxury to end the end of 2022 with a painting!
It will be closed until January 20th, so please check the information before visiting!
Enjoy the Art of Painting at the Otsuka Art Museum! !